Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lila's 2nd 1st Birthday Party

Lila rocked it out to a second first birthday party. We had a small scale party at the house (which i have never done before since we typically always have the parties at a location), but i figured it would be easiest for us & for Lila to have it at home.

Rob & I worked hard to transform a room in our basement to a girly dress up room (which was the main setting for the party). The room is complete with a dress rack, two full length mirrors, a vanity & boas, shoes & costumes. Lila loves putting on boas & we even dress her up too & Lila is a good sport about it.

We had our Georgia friends come over for some dress up fun & cupcakes. Lila had no problems putting away her cupcake. Check out the pics...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Eve's Going to College

Who says TV isn't good for kids? now all Eve talks about is going to college since Andy in Toy Story 3 goes to college. Eve said that when she goes to college she is going to pack up all of her toys & give them to someone nice & who is going to treat her toys nice. She chose annalise (yeah..she didn't realize that annalise is the same age & will be going to college too)...I am sitting in Eve's room now "watching" Toy Story 2 since she told me that I haven't seen the movie yet (which i haven't) & its a good movie. so, i am sitting here even though I have clothes to fold & put away & have so much good reality tv to watch (yup, its 9:20 & she is still up..she is up later than i am every night).

Eve helped me make chocolate lollipops today for Lila's party on saturday. she said she wants to make candy when she grows bigger (add that to her list of aspirations, along with being a magical unicorn).

Eve's Swim Lessons Finale

Well, Eve survived her two week swim lessons (i guess i should say the teachers actually survived the swim lessons). It was a little touch & go with her with putting her face in the water & sitting still, but she made. Her big accomplishments were: putting her head under water, somewhat floating & jumping off of a diving board (i think that's pretty good for a girl who doesn't like to get water in her eyes). We had to invest in three pairs of goggles to get this far, though.

On the last day of class, the parents are allowed to sit by the pool & watch thier kids swimming. So, you heard a lot of yelling, correcting, etc by the parents. I also had to jump up & take Eve to the bathroom since she jumped up & exclaimed, "I have to go potty" as she held herself. So, I got nominated since Rob was holding Lila to pick her up & take her.

Eve also got corrected 3x by her teacher for not sitting still or for getting in the pool when she wasn't supposed to. Then they got to jump off of the diving board. Eve didn't want to do it this time since she said she didn't want to get water in her eyes (don't know where those goggles were...).

At the end of class, they all got a Tootsie Roll & a report card. Eve mastered fully submerging her face, buoyancy, floated on front & back while supported, bubble blowing, kicking on front & back while supported. However, the back of her card says that she did not pass (which I didn't think she would since this was her first class) because she needs to practice strong kicking & working on arm swimming.

Eve is going back for more starting the end of July--she needs to pass!!! Lots of practice at our pool until then :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Eve is Becoming a Mermaid

Eve has some new loves in her life: swimming, Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (the movie), and Toy Story 3.
The first, swimming, stems from her recent swim lessons that she is taking at the local pool. Rob & I were nervous that she wouldn't listen to the instructor (go figure), sit still (which she did have some difficulty with) or put her face in the water since she doesn't like to get water in her eyes. Well, we are happy to report that she did listen to her instructor, she did get in trouble a few times for getting up & trying to wipe her eyes. However, Eve will now jump into the water & put her face in the pool. I signed her up for another session to take advantage of her excitement for learning how to swim--gotta capitalize.

The second, Barbie & the Mermaid Tale, is something that i have to listen to every day in the car. Basically, it is about a human guy & a mermaid having a baby together (weird, huh?) & some surfer guy raising her. I hope I am not spoiling the plot for anyone! Oh yeah, and they use the word, "redonculous" in it too. Classic..must see movie (according to eve).

The last is Toy Story 3. I have to say that i am surprised that she liked that movie so much since it didn't have to do with princesses. Her fav characters are: Jessie (the cowgirl), Slinky (the dog), and Barbie (hhmm..maybe this is why she likes it). We will see how long this new obsession lasts..

Lila's 1st 1st Birthday Party

As I mentioned, we went back to PA for two big events: Kristen's wedding & Lila's 1st birthday (actually, we went back for Kristen's wedding, but decided it would be a great opportunity to get together for Lila's birthday).

Lila had her birthday at the same place that Eve had her first birthday party--My Gym in Exton. It was cool since the party leader was the same teacher that Eve had had when she was 9 months old, so the teacher was so excited to see Eve all grown up at the ripe age of 4.

Basically, the party was for Eve since I only had 2 kids under the age of 3 there (thanks Luca DePaul & Colin Ward!). Eve had a blast with all of her PA friends (check out the pics!!).

Lila's favorite part was the cake, which is a far departure from Eve's 1st birthday. Eve loved climbing everything & cried when we gave her cake. Lila on the other hand, wanted to be carried around & dug in to her cake.

It was so nice seeing everyone & keeping the tradition alive with all of us getting together for our girls' birthdays even thought we live far away. Now Eve & Lila get two birthday parties each year: a PA one & a GA one. Spoiled Girls!!!

Sorry..It's Been So Long..

Summer has been super busy around here. all of these pool days are really taking up my time ;)

Actually, some of the fun things that have happned over the past month include: going back to PA to celebrate Lila's 1st Birthday & going to my college (and post college) roommate's beautiful wedding, Eve's swim lessons, and getting ready for Lila's second 1st birthday party.

I have to admit that I didn't put much effort in maintaining the blog since I have been busy but it was great hearing from my PA friends that they like reading my blog & seeing what's happening in my life since we don't get to talk much. So Tina & JP, this blog post is for you :)I think i am back on track again.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mommy Needs Her Rest

I have been battling a cold (and losing) all week. I have been grossing out my entire office as well creating fear that I will be getting them all sick before a holiday weekend. Rob has been working the past few nights so I have had to get both girls fed, bathed, put to bed & lunches made for next day (all after I get home at 6:15). Lila is pretty easy since after dinner, she gets a bath & goes right to bed. Eve, on the other hand, is my companion until I feel asleep (NOTE: until I fall asleep...she usually stays up later than me).

Last night, Eve was actually playing nicely in her room while I chatted on the phone. Eve hit the "espanol" button on her DVD player & proceeded to watch Barbie Mermaidia in Spanish (which she said she wanted to do since she wanted to learn more Spanish). Eve kept coming in my room saying "Como estas, mama." Super cute.

Then she came in while I was coughing & asked me if I was OK then told me I need to lay down, rest and take my medicine. So i listened & took some cold medicine which knocked me out. This morning, I was bragging to Rob on how well behaved & good Eve was the night before even though I was sick. Whenwe went into her room, we saw "EVE" written in marker all over her dresser in her room. HHMMM...